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Ticket Stages
Updated over 2 months ago

Ticket Stages

Ticket stages refer to the various statuses through which a support ticket progresses from creation to resolution.

Available ticket stages:

  • Open:

    • The initial stage when a ticket is created and has not been assigned or addressed yet.

  • Closed:

    • The ticket has been resolved and closed, indicating that no further action is needed.

  • Snoozed:

    • The snoozed stage is used to temporarily set aside tickets that do not require immediate attention. Tickets in the snoozed stage can be automatically reactivated after a specified period or manually by an agent when they are ready to address the ticket.

  • Auto closed:

    • Auto-closing tickets is a feature that automatically marks tickets as closed after a specified period of inactivity or when assignment logic conditions are met.

    • When a chat is created, auto-close is still scheduled for X days from creation.
      • However, before auto-close is executed, it now checks the timestamp of the last customer message.
      • If the last customer message is within the auto-close period, the auto-close is rescheduled to last customer message timestamp + auto-close days.

  • Intermediate stages:

    • You can add any number of intermediate stages, such as "Assigned," "In progress," "Pending," and "Resolved."

The default ticket stages are "Open" and "Closed." Intermediate stages are used for analytics purposes and do not result in the closure or any actionable items on tickets.

Adding Intermediate Stages:

To add intermediate stages to your help desk platform, follow these steps:

1. Access the "Ticket stages" section within the settings page of your BIK dashboard.

2. Use the "Add field" option to add any intermediate stages

3. Add any ticket stages such as “In progress” , “Assigned” & “Pending”

4. Save the changes to add intermediate stages. You can check the added intermediate stages in Help desk

Editing & Deleting intermediate stages:

To manage intermediate ticket stages, follow these steps:

Settings → Ticket stages → Edit or Delete

Assigning intermediate ticket stages:

Assigning ticket stages in CRM facilitates tracking the progress of tickets and ensures their efficient handling by the support team.

To assign or change ticket stages, follow these steps:

1. Within "Help desk", select any chat to assign ticket stages.

2. Click on the "chat stage" icon to view the list of stages

3. Select a stage to change the ticket stage.

The chatbot will only operate for closed chats.

Ticket Analytics:

Real-time analytics for ticket stages are accessible in the Analytics tab under Help desk.

To view the analytics of ticket stages, follow these steps:

1. Access the "Analytics" section within the settings page of your BIK dashboard.

2. Navigate to analytics to view the ticket stages analytics.

3. You can observe real-time analytics for each stage.

Ticket stages Reports:

You can download the ticket stages reports, which contain the number of chats along with customer ID, ticket ID, and other relevant information.

To download these reports, follow these steps:

1. Within the "Analytics" tab, navigate to the reports section.

2. Click on "Generate" in the Customer Ticket Report.

3. Add the report name and select the start and end date and channel (e.g., "WhatsApp," "Instagram").

4. Use "Generate" to generate the report.

5. You can navigate to the "History" tab in reports and download the generated reports.


1) Is workflow management functionality available?

No, workflow stages are currently unavailable.

2) What impact will deleting the intermediate stages have?

If the intermediate stages are deleted, all the chat tickets or chats will be moved to the "Open" stage.

3) How do I change the stage of a ticket?

Yes, you can manually change the stages in the help desk by selecting the specific chats or tickets. However, automated stage changes occur for the following stages: "Open," "Closed," and "Auto Closed."

4) Can I re-open a ticket after it has been closed?

Yes, you can re-open closed tickets if additional issues arise or if the original problem was not fully resolved. This can help ensure that all customer concerns are addressed satisfactorily.

5) Is it possible to track analytics for backdated ticket stages?

No, tracking backdated analytics for ticket stages is not supported. Only real-time analytics are available.

For further assistance or to raise feature requests related to ticket stages, please contact [email protected]

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