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Journey Reports
Updated over a week ago

This document provides an overview of the new journey reports, updates to the All Journeys Funnel Analytics, and detailed instructions on how to download these reports.

New Journey Reports

We have released five new reports to enhance your ability to track and analyze the performance of marketing journeys:

1. Journey Overall Report

  • Summary: Summarizes the performance of various marketing journeys.

  • Key Metrics:

    • Journey Name: Journey 1

    • Channels: Email, SMS

    • Total Triggers: 1000

    • Triggers Capped: 50

    • Triggers Cancelled: 20

    • Total Customers: 950

    • Messages Sent: 800

    • Messages Failed: 10

    • Messages Delivered: 790

    • Messages Read: 700

    • Link Clicks: 100

    • Orders: 50

    • Revenue: $5000

    • Indicative Cost: $200

    • ROI: 25x

    • Purchased a Product: 30

    • Added to Cart: 40

2. Customer Conversion Report

  • Summary: Tracks individual customer interactions and conversions within automations.

  • Key Metrics:

    • Customer ID: 12345

    • Customer Name: John Doe

    • Phone Number: +1-234-567-8901

    • Link Clicks: 5

    • Revenue: $200

    • Orders: 2

    • Purchased a Product: 1

    • Added to Cart: 3

    • Products Viewed: 10

    • Replied: 3

3. Journey Conversion Event Report

  • Summary: Analyzes conversion events within journeys.

  • Key Metrics: Insights into specific customer actions like purchases, cart activity, and product views.

    • Customer ID: 12345

    • Journey Name: Welcome Journey

    • Node Name: Email Sent

    • Channel: Email

    • Customer Name: John Doe

    • Phone Number: +1-234-567-8901

    • Event Date: 2024-09-01

    • Event: Clicked

    • Number of Items: 3

    • Product Name: Smartphone

    • Product Price: $300

    • Order Value: $900

    • Order ID: ORD123456

4. Journey Keyword Report

  • Summary: Monitors keyword interactions with a chatbot within journeys.

  • Key Metrics: How customers initiated contact and engaged through specific keywords and message content.

    • Journey Name: Welcome Journey

    • Sender: 556633

    • Channel: whatsapp

    • Type of UIC: DM

    • Timestamp: 2024-09-02 11:30:00 AM

    • Phone Number: +1-987-654-3210

    • Message Content: "Exclusive offer just for you! Get 20% off your next purchase. Use code SAVE20."

5. Journey DOD Funnel Report

  • Summary: Provides detailed insights into the DOD Funnel within journeys.

  • Key Metrics:

    • Journey Name: Welcome Journey

    • Channel: whatsapp

    • date: 2024-09-02

    • Messages Delivered: 5

    • Messages Read: 4

    • Triggers: 2

    • Link Clicks: 1

    • Unique User: 1

Updates to All Journeys Funnel Analytics

  • Message Channel-Wise Data: The All Journeys Funnel Analytics has been updated to display data based on the message channel rather than the journey channel.

  • Current Channel Selection: The funnel will consider only the current message channels if a specific channel is selected. For example, if an email block was previously in the flow but is no longer present, selecting the email channel will exclude that journey from the email channel data. However, it will still appear in the "All Channels" data.

Report Size Limitation

  • 5MB Limit: Reports are currently limited to a size of 5MB. If the report exceeds this size, it will not download. In this case, reduce the number of days in the date range and retry.

Steps to Download Journey Reports:

General Journey Reports:

  1. Navigate to the Reports Section: Start by accessing the Reports section.

  2. Apply the "Journey" Filter: Filter the reports by selecting "Journey."

  3. Choose the Desired Report: Select the report you wish to download.

  4. Click on "Generate": Initiate the report generation process.

  5. Add Report Name & Date Range: Enter the report name and specify the date range (limited to a maximum of 60 days).

  6. Find the Report in History: The generated report will be available in the History section and will also be emailed to you.

  7. Click on "Export CSV": In the History section, click on "Export CSV" to download the report.

Journey DOD Funnel Report

  1. Navigate to the Journey DOD Funnel Report: Go to

  2. Click on "Download Report": Click the "Download Report" button to obtain the report.


Q1: What should I do if my report does not download?

  • Ensure that the report size does not exceed 5MB. If it does, reduce the date range to fewer days and try downloading again.

Q2: Why is my journey not appearing under a specific message channel?

  • If the journey initially had a block for that channel but no longer does, it will not appear under that message channel. However, it will still be included in the "All Channels" data.

Q3: How can I download the Journey DOD Funnel Report?

Q4: Where can I find the reports after generating them?

  • The reports can be found in the History section of the Report tab. They will also be emailed to you.

Q5: What is the maximum date range I can select for a report?

  • The maximum date range for a report is 60 days.

For further assistance or to raise feature requests related to Journey Reports, please contact [email protected]

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