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BIK Analytics Dashboards
BIK Analytics Dashboards
Updated over a week ago


BIK dashboards is a single place to see analytics and insights for all BIK products.

It has 5 sections

  1. Overall

  2. Campaigns

  3. Helpdesk

  4. Journeys

  5. Popups

Key features

  1. Overall each dashboard has two elements: a) Revenue contribution b) Operational metrics

    1. Revenue contribution is based on click + 7 days attribution. Read more here -

    2. Operational or Engagement metrics like delivery, open and click rates across channels.

  2. Date and channel filters as relevant

  3. An option to download the data (available on Helpdesk dashboards and coming soon on other pages)

Overall BIK analytics

Key sections

  1. Overall store revenue and contribution made by BIK products

  2. Overall store orders and contribution made by BIK products

  3. Total customers acquired on the store and from BIK products like Popups and Click to whatsapp ads

  4. Overall engagement metrics like - Total users interacted and total conversations

Campaign Analytics

Key sections

  1. Overall revenue and order contributed by all campaigns

  2. Breakup of revenue/orders across channels

  3. Total campaigns and messages sent in the chosen period and top 5 campaigns which contributed to the revenue

  4. Channel wise engagement metrics. Please note that each channel will only have the relevant metrics

  5. Total subscriber and opt out counts and breakup by channel

Journeys Analytics

Key sections

  1. Overall revenue and order contributed by all journeys

  2. Breakup of revenue/orders across channels

  3. Total 5 Journeys which contributed to the revenue. Click ‘view all’ to see revenue contribution from all journeys

  4. Channel wise engagement metrics. Please note that each channel will only have the relevant metrics

  5. Funnel data for all journeys - journey triggered, unique users, message sent, message delivered, message read, link clicks

  6. Total subscriber and opt out counts and breakup by channel

  7. 5 top performing Price please automation details and all posts/ads

  8. Day on day journey triggers by name - to quickly understand if all journeys are stable

Helpdesk Analytics

Key sections

  1. CSAT & NPS

  2. Leads status/conversation status in real-time

  3. Average handling time(AHT)

  4. Average engagement time(AET)

  5. First response time(FRT)

  6. Chats per conversation

  7. Label level Analytics 🆕

    1. Helps Identify VoC of customer interactions with your brand

  8. Channel-wise chats breakdown 🆕

    1. Helps identify key channels where your customer interactions take place

  9. Agent vs Bot interactions 🆕

    1. Helps you gauge efficiency of your agents & Bots setup

All of the above data can be analysed at the agent as well as team level.

Popups Analytics

Key sections

  1. Overall popup leads, orders and popup revenue contribution

  2. Popup type wise funnel - popup visits, clicked, rewards given, new leads and conversions. Last 3 relevant for lean gen popups.

  3. Same as above funnel for each widget and a day-on-day trend

BIK Revenue Attribution

BIK Reports

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