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List of Order Block
Updated over 8 months ago

List of Orders Block in Journeys

The List of Orders block in Journeys enables you to share the 10 most recent orders of a customer.

Steps to add this block to your flow:

1. Open the Desired Flow

  • Navigate to the flow where you want to add the List of Orders block.

2. Select the List of Orders Block

  • Go to the WhatsApp tab and find the List Message section.

  • Select the List of Orders block.

3. Add a Message Description

  • Click on the block to open.

  • Add a description for the List of Orders message.

Customer Interaction

When the List of Orders block is triggered, customers will be presented with two options:

i. View All Orders

  • Selecting this option will send a list message containing the 10 most recent orders.

  • Customers can select an order from the list to view its details.

ii. Search by Order Name

  • Selecting this option will prompt the customer to enter an order name.

  • If the entered order name matches any existing order, the details of the matched order(s) will be shared, including a tracking link.


1. What if the customer doesnโ€™t remember the exact order name?

The customer can select "View All Orders" to see a list of their recent orders.

2. How specific does the order name need to be for the search?

The order name entered by the customer needs to match an existing order for the details to be shared. Partial or incorrect names may not yield any results.

3. Is there a limit to the number of orders displayed in the list?

Yes, the List of Orders block will display up to 10 of the most recent orders.

4. Anyone with the order name can get the details of the order using link?

You can get the link of the order using search by order name, but you need to provide your email to view the details of the order using link.

For further assistance or to raise feature requests related to List of orders block, please contact [email protected]



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