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Browsing Block
Updated over 8 months ago

Browsing Block

Browse Catalog is a feature that allows users to explore and view a collection of products. This tool provides detailed information about each item, including prices and images, enabling customers to make purchases and explore other product collections. It enhances the shopping experience by making it easy to navigate and discover available products.

Available Options for Browsing Block:

You can configure the following 2 options in browsing block:

  • Menu
    Map collections from shopify or create custom collection

  • Product message

    Setup configuration for product message that will be sent.

How to Setup Browsing Block in Journeys:

Follow these steps to setup browsing block in journeys:

  1. Access the Journey section in the BIK dashboard and navigate to the journey builder to set up the browsing block in journeys.

  2. Click on the "Start Point" block and add any “IG triggers” or “WhatsApp triggers.”

  3. Choose “Browse catalog” from Product and cart section in Instagram or WhatsApp.

  4. Click on the “Browse catalog” to add collections and products.

  5. Click on the “+” icon in the menu to add a menu message.

  6. Use “Add menu item” and give a name to the menu item.

  7. Add a sub-menu or list of products to the menu.

  8. Click on “Add products” to add a list of products in the browse block.

  9. Click on “Save” to successfully save the menu option changes.

  10. Add an additional product message in the browsing block for Instagram channel.

  11. To configure the product message in the browsing block, click on “Product message” in Instagram.

  12. Add up to three buttons in Instagram, such as “View product,” “Add to cart,” “Buy now,” and “View more.”

  13. Use the “Save” button to save the product message card options successfully.

  14. Configure this block anywhere in your journeys to facilitate customer purchases.

The Product Message option is only available for the Instagram channel.


1) How many menu items can I add?

You can add up to 10 menu items for a single menu block, and the same limit applies to sub-menu items as well.

2) Is there a limit to the number of products that can be added to the browsing block menu?
No, there is no limit to the number of products you can add to the menu. You can add as many as you need.

For further assistance or to raise feature requests related to Browsing block, please contact [email protected].

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