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Copy, Paste, Delete Multiple Nodes
Updated over 3 months ago

Now COPY, PASTE, and DELETE multiple nodes within or across journeys seamlessly.

Also now ‘esc’ key shortcut works to close certain overlays/popups - we will be adding more shortcut supports in future

A few call outs: The journey channel should remain same. Empty nodes can’t be copied. Certain complex nodes like browse block can’t be copied.

Also remember to update variables post-pasting.

Check out the attached video for a step-by-step guide.

How to Copy:

  1. Select Nodes: Hold down the Shift key and drag your mouse to encompass the nodes you want to copy.

  2. Copy / Paste Action: Release the Shift key, then press Cmd+C (for macOS) or Ctrl+C (for Windows) and Cmd+V (for macOS) or Ctrl+V (for Windows)

  3. Use ‘Delete’ button on Windows/Mac for delete node action while the nodes are selected

This feature supports both Windows and macOS on Chrome browser


1) Can I copy and paste nodes across different journeys?

Yes, you can seamlessly copy and paste nodes across journeys, but the channel for the journeys must remain the same.

2) Are there any limitations for copying certain types of nodes?

Yes, certain complex nodes like the Browse Block cannot be copied.

3) Do I need to update variables after pasting nodes?

Yes, remember to update variables in the pasted nodes to ensure they work as expected.

4) Does this feature work on all browsers?

This feature currently supports the Chrome browser on both Windows and macOS.

For further assistance or to raise feature requests related to Copy, Paste, Delete Multiple Nodes, please contact [email protected].

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