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Campaign Segments
Campaign Segments
Updated over a week ago

Campaign Segments:

Segments empower you to group customers with similar characteristics or behaviours, enabling you to customise campaign messaging for maximum engagement. By leveraging segments, you can tailor marketing efforts, enhancing relevance and personalisation to drive higher engagement, conversions, and sales.

Types of Segments in BIK:

  • Shopify segments

  • BIK smart segments

  • Custom segments

Shopify Segments:

Shopify segments are groups of customers categorised based on various criteria such as purchase history, demographics, and behaviour. These segments help merchants target specific customer groups with tailored marketing campaigns, discounts, and promotions, leading to improved customer engagement and sales.

Creating Shopify Segments:

  1. Go to your Shopify website.

  2. Click on "Customers."

  3. On the Customers page choose Segments tab and click on "Create segment."

  4. Utilise the necessary filters, such as Customer tags, Order placed, etc.

  5. Click "Apply" to view the list of customers.

  6. Enter a name for the segment and click on "Save segment" to save it.

  7. You can find the created segment in BIK dashboard under the Segments tab.

BIK Smart Segments:

Explore a variety of pre-defined customer segments in the 'Segments' section, under the name "BIK Smart Segments." Our curated list is tailored to your customers' behaviours, aiding you in pinpointing the ideal audience for your upcoming campaign!

RFM Segments:

  • These segments are based on Recency (when your customers placed their last order), Frequency (how many orders your customers placed), and Monetary spends (how much your customers spend on your store).

  • You will find the following 11 segments based on your customers’ RFM behaviour - Champions, Loyal Customers, Potential Loyalists, Promising Customers, Need Attention, About to Sleep, At Risk Customers, Can’t Lose Them, Hibernating Customers, Lost Customers.

Other Behavioural Segments:

  • Browsing behaviour - Website visitors who didn’t purchase, customers who viewed a product but didn’t purchase

  • Purchase behaviour - Repeat buyers, high spenders, customers with 0 orders etc.

  • Channel-wise reachability - All reachable subscribers on WhatsApp, email and SMS

  • Acquisition source - Subscribers acquired from website Popups or Click-to-WhatsApp ads.

Here is the complete list of ready-to-use smart segments you will find on your dashboard:

Segment name

Segment description

Potential loyalists

Recent buyers who spend significantly but haven't established a pattern of frequent purchases yet.

Loyal customers

Recent and frequent buyers with lower overall monetary value. Responsive to promotions.

Visitors who didn't purchase

Customers who visited your website at least once in the last 30 days but didn't place an order.

At risk

Customers who used to make frequent and low-value purchases but haven't engaged recently.

Can't lose them

Infrequent buyers who, when they do purchase, spend a significant amount.

Need attention

Customers showing signs of reduced engagement or spending compared to their historical behaviour.

High spenders

Customers who have spent more than 10,000 on your store across their lifetime.


Recent buyers who make frequent purchases and contribute significantly to revenue.

About to sleep

Customers who have been actively engaged but are displaying signs of reduced activity or spending.

All email subscribers

All customers who are reachable on email.

New subscribers (30 days)

New reachable customers acquired in the last 30 days.

All SMS subscribers

All customers who are reachable on SMS.

All WhatsApp subscribers

All customers who are reachable on WhatsApp.

Product page drop-offs

Customers who viewed a product page at least once in the last 30 days but didn't place an order.

Repeat buyers

Customers who have purchased more than twice from your store.

All subscribers

All customers who are reachable on at least one messaging channel.

Engaged customers

Customers who have either clicked on or replied to your messages at least three times in the last 60 days.

Lost customers

Customers who were once active but haven't engaged or made a purchase in a considerable period.


Infrequent buyers with low monetary value who haven't engaged recently.

All buyers

Customers who have placed at least one order from your store.

Subscribers who never purchased

All customers who are reachable on at least one messaging channel but have never placed an order.

Unsubscribed customers

All customers who have unsubscribed (opted-out) from receiving promotional updates on any messaging channel.

Inactive Customers

Customers who have purchased from your store earlier but have not placed any orders in the last 45 days.

Widget leads (30 days)

Customers acquired from acquisition widgets in the last 30 days who did not place any order.

Abandoned Cart

Customers who have added items to the cart but have not made a purchase.

CTWA leads (7 days)

Customers acquired from CTW ads in the last 7 days who did not place any order.

CTWA buyers (7 days)

Customers acquired from CTW ads in the last 7 days who also placed an order.

Widget buyers (30 days)

Customers acquired from acquisition widgets in the last 30 days who also placed an order.

Widget leads (7 days)

Customers acquired from acquisition widgets in the last 7 days who did not place any order.


Customers who have made frequent purchases and spent a lot but haven't engaged recently.

The RFM categorisation is done for all your customers based on the history of orders synced with BIK. Please verify that your entire order history is synced with BIK to ensure that the RFM categorisation is done accurately.

Custom Segments:

Custom segments in Shopify are manually created groups of customers based on specific criteria set by the merchant. These criteria can include purchase history, location, and other attributes. You can create custom segments in three ways: using the filters, importing from Excel, or using Excel with customer variables. This flexibility allows you to tailor your segments to fit your unique business needs and target audience effectively.

Types of Segments in BIK:

  • Create segment via filters

  • Create segment via excel

  • Create variable segment via excel

Creating Segments by using Filters:

  1. Navigate to the "Segments" tab in the BIK dashboard.

  2. Click on "Create Segment" to start creating a new segment.

  3. Select "Create Segment via Filters."

  4. Use the available filters such as "Perform Event," "Don't Perform Event," "Part of Segment," and "Have User Property." You can use "and" and "or" to apply multiple filters.

  5. Click on "Show Count" to view the number of customers matching the applied filters.

  6. Provide a name for your segment and Click on the "Save" or "Save segment" button in count modal and to save it successfully.

  7. You can view the created segment in the segments dashboard with the given name.

Creating Segments using Excel:

  1. Go to the "Segments" tab in the BIK dashboard.

  2. Click on "Create Segment" to start creating a new segment.

  3. Select "Create Segment via Excel" on the create segment page.

  4. You can view the sample Excel file format for reference.

  5. Provide a name for your segment.

  6. Upload the Excel file created in the specified format and click on "Save Segment."

  7. Alternatively, you can directly upload customers by clicking on "Send Broadcast."

  8. You can view the segment created via Excel in the segment dashboard with the given segment name and Excel name tag.

Creating Segments using Excel with Customers Variables:

  1. Navigate to the "Segments" tab in the BIK dashboard.

  2. Click on "Create Segments" to initiate segment creation using Excel.

  3. Select "Create Variable Segment via Excel" on the create segment page.

  4. Review the sample Excel file format provided for reference.

  5. Provide a name for your segment and click on "Save Segment."

  6. Create a segment with variables in the specified format and upload it.

  7. Alternatively, you can directly upload customers by clicking on "Send Broadcast."

  8. You can view the segment created via Excel in the segment dashboard with the given segment name and "Excel with variables" name tag.

Available Segment Options:

  • Start Campaign

    Initiate a campaign by selecting a template from the Campaign section.

  • Edit

    Modify the campaign by adjusting the filters to suit your requirements.

  • Duplicate

    Duplicate a customer segment list for reuse.

  • Refresh User Count

    Update and view the latest count of customers based on the applied filters.

  • Get Customer List via Email

    Receive the customer list of the created segment by providing your email address.

  • Delete

    Remove the created segment if it is no longer needed.

The available options may vary depending on the method used to create the segment.


1) Are there any limitations to the number of segments I can create in BIK?

There are no specific limitations on the number of segments you can create in BIK. However, it's important to manage your segments effectively to ensure they remain useful and relevant to your marketing efforts.

2) What is the difference between smart segments and custom segments?
Smart segments are predefined segments based on customer behaviour, while custom segments are manually created groups of customers based on specific criteria set by the merchant.

3) Are segments updated in real-time?
Yes, segments are updated in real-time. You can ensure the segments reflect the latest data by clicking on "Refresh user count" in the respective segments.

4) How can I get the list of customers created via filters?

You can obtain the list of customers that match specific criteria by selecting "Get customer list on email" in the segment options.

5) Can I edit segments created via Excel?
No, you can't edit segments uploaded via Excel directly. However, you can edit the Excel file, create a new segment, and delete the old segment.

For further assistance or to raise feature requests related to campaign segments, please contact [email protected]

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