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Welcome chat flow on Instagram
Updated over a week ago

When you instantly acknowledge and engage with your customers each time they initiate a conversation, you make them feel valued. This attention and responsiveness would likely influence them to make a purchase. You can achieve this by automating your Welcome message with your customer with BIK.

Follow the steps below and begin your journey of enhanced customer satisfaction by building the automated chat flow.

  1. Click on the Starting Point block, select ‘Add trigger then ‘Keywords’ if you want the chat flow to start each time your customer types "Hi”. Then add all the probable keywords your customers would use to initiate a conversation with you

  2. Connect the Starting Point block to the ‘Carousel’ block (pick the carousel block by clicking on the Instagram icon). Customize the carousel block with an image, title, sub-title, and buttons directing your customers to browse products or reach the support team.

    Note: You can use Emojis to tailor content to your brand.

  3. Connect the ‘Browse’ button to a ‘Message’ block (pick the message block by clicking on the Instagram icon). You can add buttons to the message block with the categories of products you sell.

  4. Connect the sub-category message block to a carousel with the relevant products.

  5. Connect the ‘Support’ button to ‘Assign Agent’ (from the Actions category). Then connect message blocks to the ‘Assign Agent’ block that would be sent out based on whether an agent is available or not.

  6. Add a message block to notify the customer that an agent has been assigned to help them.

  7. Once you have completed the chatbot flow save it, check for errors, and activate it. You can visit ‘My Journey’ in the ‘Journey’ tab to check the status of automation..

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