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CTWA as Triggers
Updated over 4 months ago

Click to WhatsApp ads:

  • CTWA as triggers can be used to enhance a brand’s Click to WhatsApp ads journey.

  • When a buyer clicks on a CTWA ad on any Meta surface (for ex: Facebook/Instagram feed), he will be re-directed to brand’s WhatsApp chat.

  • On the chat window, buyer can have 2 choices, depending on how the ad was setup:

    • Send a custom message

    • Select an ice-breaker (message template setup by brand)

  • Based on the message sent via buyer, we can setup automation journeys.

  • In the journey builder, this is present in ‘Add trigger’ under `Message Received` option while configuring the ‘Starting Point’ block.

  • We can also specify the Ad to select for the CTWA chat journey:

    • Can select any ad.

    • Can specify name or ID of the ad.


1) Can I specify a particular ad for CTWA chat journeys?

Yes, you can select a specific ad by its name or ID or choose any ad for the CTWA chat journey.

2) Can multiple ads be connected to a single CTWA chat journey?

No, you can set up only one CTWA ad per journey in the CTWA triggers.

3) What Meta surfaces support CTWA ads?

CTWA ads are supported on various Meta surfaces, including the Facebook Feed and Instagram Feed

For further assistance or to raise feature requests related to CTWA as Triggers, please contact [email protected].

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