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Webhook as Triggers
Updated over a week ago

Webhook as a trigger enables trigger of BIK journeys from third party external applications.

The configurations for this trigger involve three steps:

Step 1:

  • Get the webhook URL - The URL is auto generated and have details of flow id. This URL can now be added in third party applications to trigger the journey

  • Send sample data to the BIK webhook URL - Please refer to the dev documentation of third party application to get sample data. This step also ensures that the variables are now visible in the variable picker in the journey

Step 2:

  • Map the unique id that is common between both the platforms - it typically can be order id / name, shopify customer id, phone number or email address

  • Extract a part of or all variables that third party application is sending on BIK platforms. We recommend extracting only relevant variables so that variable picker in journey is clean and manageable.

Step 3: Optional step

  • Map responses from third party application to BIK variables. Typical use case would be to populate order or product variable set so that BIK variable names are usable. <Variable set for product would include: product name, price, URL, image, collection id and so on>

Note - In addition to this feature, journeys can be triggered from third party applications using ‘trigger a flow api’ as well. Read here more for details

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