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Event as Triggers
Updated over a week ago

Event as Triggers

Events as triggers are essentially triggers based on customer events which either happen on Shopify or BIK. These triggers are commonly utilised to initiate predefined actions based on user interactions with BIK and Shopify, aiding in the streamlining of processes and enhancement of efficiency.

List of Events Used in Triggers:

The following below events are available to used as triggers:

Sl. No.

Event Name

Typical Event Properties




1. Order value

2. Order ID

3. Customer ID

4. Payment method

5. Broadcast ID

6. Broadcast Name

7. Billing Address
8. Shipping Address
9. Order Tag

10. Total number of items

This event gets triggered when a customer places an order.


Abandoned product

1. Product ID

2. Product name

3. Cart ID

4. Customer ID

5. Item price

6. Broadcast ID
7. Broadcast Name
8. Collection ID(s)
9. Collection name(s)
10. Variant name(s)
11. Variant ID(s)

This event gets triggered when a customer adds a particular product to the cart but doesn't complete the purchase.


Abandoned a cart

1. Cart value

2. Broadcast name
3. Total number of items
4. Cart ID

This event gets triggered when a customer starts the checkout on the website by adding contact information but doesn't complete the purchase.


Customer Created

1. Customer source
2. Customer source details

This event gets triggered when a new customer is created.


Purchased a product

1. Product ID
2. Order ID
3. Product name

4. Product price
5. Broadcast ID
6. Broadcast name
7. Collection ID(s)
8. Collection name(s)
9. Variant ID
10. Variant name

This event gets triggered When a product is purchased.


Product delivered

1. Collection name(s)
2. Order ID
3. Order name
4. Product ID
5. Product name
6. Variant Id
7. Variant name

This event gets triggered When a product was delivered.


Line Item Shipping Update

1. Order ID
2. Product ID
3. Shipping Status
4. Tracking Company
5. Variant ID(s)

6. Variant name(s)
7. Product Name

This event gets triggered whenever shipping status of any individual item changes in an order.


WhatsApp cart


This event gets triggered When a cart request is received on WhatsApp


Order Delivered

1. Order ID
2. Order Name

This event gets triggered when an order gets delivered to a customer.


Conversation Created

1. Source type
2. Source ID
3. Widget name
4. Platform
5. Page Url
6. Screen name

This event gets triggered When a new message is sent by user via widgets(Chat redirection widgets, QR code, URL generator).


Customer Acquired

1. Source URL
2. Source ID
3. Adset ID
4. Campaign ID
5. Campaign Name
6. Adset Name
7. Ad name
8. Product ID
9. Catalog ID
10. Instagram handle
11. Messenger handle

12. Widget name

13. Widget/source category

14. Product name

15. Platform

16. Page Url
17. Screen name

This event gets triggered When a new customer is acquired via Bik widgets(reward based, non reward based, chat widgets or growth tools).


Lead generated

1. Source type

2. Source ID

3. Widget name

4. Product name

This event gets triggered When any customer shares their contact details via 1. lead generator widget 2. CTWA or 3. in journeys where phone number or email block is used


Reward disbursed

1. Source ID
2. Widget name
3. Reward coupon type
4. Coupon code
5. Source type

6. Coupon description

This event gets triggered When a reward is disbursed for an user via reward based widgets(Spin the wheel, direct reward, scratch card).


Added to Wishlist

1. Product name
2. Product ID
3. Variant name

4. Variant ID

This event gets triggered when a product is added to the wishlist

PS: Enable event trackers in channel management


Product viewed

1. Product ID
2. Product Name
3. Collection ID(s)
4. Collection name(s)
5. Variant ID
6. Variant name
7. Broadcast ID
8. Broadcast name

This event gets triggered when a product was viewed

PS: Enable event trackers in channel management


Order cancelled

1. Order ID
2. Order Name
3. Product IDs

4. Product names

5. Number of items

6. Image

This event gets triggered whenever a particular order is marked as cancelled

PS: Enable event trackers in channel management


Keyword searched

1. Search term

This event gets triggered Whenever a customer searches for a keyword

PS: Enable event trackers in channel management


Add to cart

1. Product ID
2. Product name
3. Product price

4. Variant ID

5. Variant name

6. Collection ID(s)
7. Collection name(s)
8. Broadcast ID
9. Broadcast name

This event gets triggered Whenever a product is added to cart

PS: Enable event trackers in channel management



1. Subscription event
2. Status
3. Subscription ID
4. Shopify order ID

This event gets triggered whenever a customer is enrolling in a subscription service, wherein they will receive a product or service automatically on a recurring basis. Currently, this offering includes Loop subscriptions. Please contact us at [email protected] to add support for other subscription apps.


Payment Link Update

1. Payment link
2. Payment link status
3. Payment amount
4. Order ID
5. Order amount
6. Payment ID

7. Payment link ID

8. Purpose

9. Old Order ID

10. New Order ID

This event gets triggered When payment link was updated


Review Created

1. Review ID
2. Reviewer customer ID
3. Review title
4. Review body
5. Review rating
6. Product ID
7. Reviewer email
8. Reviewer name
9. Product name

This is an event from Judge Me whenever a user adds a review.

PS: JudgeMe integration will be required


Email received

1. Customer Mail Id

2. Merchant Email Id

3. Email Subject

4. Email Body

This event gets triggered whenever email received from customer


Gmail received

1. Customer Mail Id

2. Merchant Email Id

3. Email Subject

4. Email Body

This event gets triggered whenever gmail received from customer


Ticket assigned to agent


This event gets triggered Whenever ticket gets assigned to an agent


SLA Breached


An SLA breached event gets triggered, when the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for a specific ticket has not been met.


Chat Session Closed

1. Content type

2. Is auto closed

This event gets triggered whenever a chat is closed either by agent or via auto close setup by brands


Ticket Stage Change

1. From stage

2. To stage

This event gets triggered when every time the ticket stage changes

How to Configure Events as Triggers:

Follow these steps to configure events as triggers in journey flows:
1. Access the Journey section in the BIK dashboard.

  1. Open an existing flow journey or create a new journey flow to configure events.

  2. Click on "Start Point" and choose "Events" in the triggers.

  3. From the dropdown, select the desired event from the listed options.

  4. Click on "Add Event Property" and choose a property from the available options.

  5. Add keywords and values for the selected property of the event.

  6. Click "Create" to successfully add events as triggers in the journey flow and complete the journey configuration.


1) Can I use multiple events as triggers in a single journey flow?

Yes, you can add multiple events by using the "Add Triggers" option in the starting point block.

2) How do I ensure event trackers are enabled for certain events?
For events such as "Product Viewed," "Order Cancelled," and "Keyword Searched," ensure to enable event trackers in the Settings.

Navigate to Settings -> Channel Management -> Shopify ->Others or alternatively use this link.

Enable and disable website events tracker under the channel management settings. This will ensure these events are properly tracked and can be used as triggers.

3) Can I add multiple event properties for events?

Yes, you can add multiple event properties as needed by using the "Add event property" option.

For further assistance or to raise feature requests related to Event as triggers, please contact [email protected]

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